Cellulite laser treatment in Figuig

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Cellulite laser treatment in Figuig

Aesthetic Medicine

Their causes are multiple: rarely medical (excess cortisol: treatments, tumors, puberty, etc.) but they are mainly linked to a rapid too sudden stretching of the skin (growth, weight gain, pregnancy). There is a clear individual inequality and therefore a genetic part. When the fibroblasts, which are responsible for the main syntheses of the dermis (skin matrix), suddenly stop their activity in an area, a kind of breakage, scar occurs in the skin giving rise to the stretch mark which will never regress spontaneously. The main LASERS or energy-based or ROLLER treatment devices that may be offered are: - Vascular lasers: Pulsed dye laser and pulsed lights - Non-ablative fractional lasers and other non-ablative lasers - Ablative fractional lasers (CO2 or Erbium) - Micro-needle fractional radiofrequencies - Micro-rollers - LEDs - Combination of a vascular laser and a fractional device - Combination of laser (s) and LEDs