Botulinum toxin injection for laryngeal, oro-mandibular dystonia, bruxism in Rabat

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Botulinum toxin injection for laryngeal, oro-mandibular dystonia, bruxism in Rabat


- Bruxism is manifested by repetitive involuntary movements, most often at night, of the muscles of the jaw. Its consequences are dental (abrasion of teeth, breakage of prosthesis), articular (pain, blockage of temporomandibular joints), and muscular (hypertrophy of the muscles of mastication, masseters and / or temporals).
- Laryngeal dystonia is a neurological disease responsible for involuntary contractions of the muscles of the larynx leading to a voice disorder (spasmodic dysphonia) or breathing difficulties (laryngeal dyspnea).
- Oromandibular dystonia (OOD) is a neurological disease responsible for involuntary contractions of the muscles of the jaw, mouth and tongue causing difficulty in speaking and / or chewing and / or swallowing.