Medical rhinoplasty in Rabat

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Medical rhinoplasty in Rabat


The medical management of the nose is based on techniques and procedures already widely used in aesthetic medicine: Injections of fillers guaranteeing immediate results: hyaluronic acid or calcium hydroxyapatite. - Skin rejuvenation by practicing chemical peels or laser abrasions. - The installation of Gore tex yarns and or notched yarns - Botulinum toxin injections. The most common reasons for nasal correction are: - indentations or irregularities on the bridge or tip of the nose (small hollows in the surface of the skin) - slight asymmetries of projection of the nasal tip - a slight bump modifying the curvature of the nose - a nasal bridge that is too flat, especially on Asian noses - an unsightly dividing line at the tip of the nose (the columella) - imperfections of the skin of the nose (scars, multi-operated nose, dilated pores, rosacea, etc.).