Treatment of excessive sweating - Hyperhidrosis in Casablanca

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Treatment of excessive sweating - Hyperhidrosis in Casablanca


Hyperhidrosis is the production of abnormally high amounts of sweat. Rarely generalized to the whole body (alcoholism, chronic infections, metabolic diseases, etc.), it is most often localized (armpits, palms of the hands, soles of the feet). Several techniques to fight against hyperhydrosis exist: - Iontophoresis: It is rather suited to the treatment of excessive sweating on the soles and palms. The ends are immersed in a bath in which a direct electric current passes. This electrical passage causes partial obstruction of the openings in the skin secreting sweat. - Botulinum toxin injection: It is the easiest and most effective treatment. The safe injections of botulinum toxin (Botox®) induce a decrease in sweat production by blocking cholinergic nerve fibers. - Excision-curettage of the axillary sweat glands: Axillary gland curettage is an alternative to Botox® injections in the management of axillary sweating.