Doppler ultrasound of the arteries of the lower limbs in Khemisset

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Doppler ultrasound of the arteries of the lower limbs in Khemisset


The exam studies the anatomy and function of the arteries in the lower extremities, which are the arteries that carry blood from the aorta through the abdomen to the lower extremities and down to the feet. The main pathology affecting the arteries of the lower limbs is atherosclerosis, which is a general disease of the arteries, which can affect this arterial territory or the arteries of the heart (the coronaries) or that of the neck (the carotids). Atherosclerosis forms plaques rich in cholesterol in the lining of the arteries which can form narrowings and thus block the interior of the arteries and slow blood flow, or release clots or fragments of plaque into the circulation or even cause a blood loss. complete thrombosis.
Ultrasound of the arteries of the lower extremities is performed in the following circumstances:

- in a patient who presented with symptoms suspected of being related to arteritis (muscle pain in the lower limbs appearing with exertion and giving way with cessation of exertion);

- if the clinical examination reveals a murmur in the course of the arteries, or the abolition of the pulse;

- to monitor a patient who has had surgery on the arteries of the lower limbs or who has known arteritis.