Enucleation / Evisceration of the eye in Al kelaa des Sraghna

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Enucleation / Evisceration of the eye in Al kelaa des Sraghna


Enucleation is the surgical removal of the eyeball. Evisceration is the surgical removal of the contents of the eyeball while retaining the sclera (envelope constituting the "white of the eye"). The goal of enucleation is to remove the eye when it contains an active lesion that cannot be treated otherwise, or when the eye is blind and in the process of atrophy, a source of pain and cosmetic change. , or when a traumatized eye endangers the healthy eye by sympathetic ophthalmia. Evisceration (alternative to enucleation) can be decided if the condition of the sclera allows its preservation, in the absence of progressive intraocular lesion.