Treatment of iridociliary melanoma (Enucleation / iridocyclectomy / iridotomy) in Tanger

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Treatment of iridociliary melanoma (Enucleation / iridocyclectomy / iridotomy) in Tanger


A melanoma is a malignant tumor of the ciliary or iridociliary body. Iridectomy It corresponds to the surgical removal of the tumor located on a sector of the iris, the latter being the thin pigmented membrane in the form of a diaphragm which gives the eye its color. Iridocyclectomy This corresponds to the surgical removal of the tumor located astride the iris and the ciliary body, and represents a major surgical procedure. Enucleation This corresponds to the surgical removal of the eye containing the tumor. It is offered when no other therapeutic means can keep the eye in reasonable conditions.