Pr Jaafar Abdeloihab Orthopedist Traumatologist

Pr Abdeloihab JAAFAR

Orthopedist Traumatologist
Contact information
Rue Alkairaouane, immeuble 9, app.2,( à coté hôtel Diwan ) clinique la capitale clinique pasteur
Hassan - Centre ville Rabat Morocco


Orthopedist Traumatologist Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgeon

Professional qualification

Professeur de traumato - Orthopédie
Ex . Médecin chef du service de traumato - orthopédie à l'hôpital militaire Mohamed V de Rabat
Chirurgie Arthroscopique - Chirurgie de l'Arthrose et du rhumatisme
chirurgie sportive - Médecine régénérative

Acts and care

Arthroplasty with implantation of a joint prosthesis (Hip / Elbow / shoulder) Intra-articular and / or peritendinous infiltration Hand surgery Treatment of muscle ruptures and hernias Cure for carpal tunnel syndrome sports injury surgery Pelvic surgery Bone / intramuscular abscess puncture Surgical treatment of ulcerated diabetic foot / Charcot foot Surgical treatment of Volkmann syndrome See More

Methods of payment

Opening time
Monday 09:0016:00
Tuesday 09:0016:00
Wednesday 09:0016:00
Thursday 09:0016:00
Friday 09:0016:00
Saturday 09:0012:00
Office Photos