Extraction of a nasal or laryngotracheobronchial foreign body in Casablanca

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Extraction of a nasal or laryngotracheobronchial foreign body in Casablanca

Otolaryngologist (ENT)

Suspicion of a tracheobronchial foreign body requires endoscopic control in the most short notice due to the seriousness of the complications potential. A foreign body, in the tracks airways, can trigger infection of the lung that is poorly ventilated. This infection can leave definitive sequelae (dilation of bronchi), even after removal of the foreign body. The foreign body can also mobilize and obstruct the airways, causing difficulty in breathing that can go as far as suffocation and death. The goal of the intervention is to visualize the foreign body, to perform the ablation of the foreign body through the natural, using a flexible or rigid tube fitted with a magnifying optical system.