Correction of breast asymmetry in Casablanca

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Correction of breast asymmetry in Casablanca

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

There is some asymmetry on all breasts, like the rest of the body, but this asymmetry shouldn't be obvious at first glance. The asymmetry between the two breasts can relate to their shape, volume and / or position in the chest. This asymmetry can appear from puberty and be part of a breast malformation (tuberous breasts, Poland syndrome) or involve "normal" breasts. Asymmetry can also appear secondarily following trauma (burn to the breasts, accident, assault) or after surgical treatment (removal of a breast tumor, benign or malignant). The surgical treatment of breast asymmetries involves all the techniques of plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery which will be chosen and combined on a case-by-case basis (reduction or increase in breast volume, treatment of breast ptosis, modification of the areolas).