Gluteal lift in Casablanca

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Gluteal lift in Casablanca

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

The buttock lift is very effective in correcting buttocks that are too long and / or asymmetrical with a poorly defined undergluteal groove or even a double undergluteal groove. This technique is also useful to correct, in certain cases, the «banana» located just under the buttock. - The lateral buttocks lift makes it possible to tighten the skin of the trochanteric region («saddlebags») in the event of cutaneous-fatty sagging at this level. Liposuction is systematically associated. - The Butterfly lifting is for moderately sagging buttocks. - The upper buttock lift combines the action of the «butterfly» lift and the action of the lateral buttock lift. This type of butt lift is for very sagging buttocks. It also corrects the saddlebags area. Just like with a «butterfly wing» butt lift, an increase in buttock volume is possible using the patient's fat.