Colonic diverticulosis surgery in Tanger

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Colonic diverticulosis surgery in Tanger

Surgeon General

Colonic diverticulosis is the development of diverticula, a type of small sac or appendage, on the wall of the colon. The preferred location is the sigmoid colon. surgery for sigmoid diverticulosis is a relatively common procedure. This is a resection removing the sigmoid colon and the colorectal junction. in diverticulitis: medical treatment is the standard. It combines antibiotic therapy and a strictly residue-free diet. Emergency surgery is only offered for peritonitis or medical treatment failure. The type of procedure and the route to start with depend on the severity of the diverticulitis attack and the condition of the patients. surgery may be offered to prevent recurrence. This is more particularly proposed in the event of congenital diverticulum, in the event of a complicated perforation crisis, in the event of repetitive attacks, or in the event of cicatricial colonic stenosis.