Enlargement enterocystoplasty in Tanger

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Enlargement enterocystoplasty in Tanger

Urologist Surgeon

After injury to the spinal cord or other abnormalities of the central nervous system, we can sometimes notice a change in the functioning of the bladder muscle which contracts in an anarchic manner outside of urination, and / or the capacity of filling the bladder reservoir . These abnormalities can also affect patients without neurological disease or malformations. This dysfunction is at the origin of urinary signs: pollakiuria (increase in the frequency of urination or soundings greater than 8 / day), urgency (sudden, irresistible and urgent need to urinate without the possibility of inhibiting it), incontinence urinary (involuntary loss of urine through the urethra). Also, without treatment, it is possible to have kidney complications (infection, stones, kidney failure). The procedure involves replacing part of the bladder with a reservoir in the small intestine. This system makes it possible to increase the capacity of the bladder reservoir and to cancel or decrease uncontrolled contractions of the bladder muscle.