Installation of a TVT / TOT sub-urethral strip for stress urinary incontinence in Rabat

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Installation of a TVT / TOT sub-urethral strip for stress urinary incontinence in Rabat

Urologist Surgeon

Stress urinary incontinence occurs either by alteration of the perineal support system responsible for hyper mobility of the urethra during exertion, or due to sphincter weakness. Certain efforts cause abdominal hyperpressure, as the bladder is located in the abdominal enclosure, the hyperpressure affects it. This is the case with coughing, laughing, sneezing, running, etc. If the support mechanism of the urethra or the urethral sphincter are altered, the intra urethral pressure is no longer sufficient compared to the intra bladder pressure, leaks appear. The TVT-type intervention consists of placing a synthetic polypropylene strip under the urethra via the retropubic route (behind the pubis), which allows the replacement of defective support structures.