Penile straightening by plication or by incision and graft in Tetouan

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Penile straightening by plication or by incision and graft in Tetouan


This procedure is intended for men suffering from an acquired curvature (onset secondarily: Peyronie's disease or after trauma) of the erect penis. This involves making an incision of the albuginea fibrosis plaque in order to straighten the curvature of the penis and to fill the loss of substance by a graft of tissue specific to the patient (vein) or other origin (intestinal submucosa prepared pork) or else to make one or more plicatures possibly preceded by incisions of the albuginea in order to shorten the part of the cavernous body located in front of the curvature and thus to straighten the penis. The reduction in size of the erect penis is therefore systematic during these interventions.