Surgery for complications of inflammatory diseases (Crohn's disease and UC) in Safi

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Surgery for complications of inflammatory diseases (Crohn's disease and UC) in Safi

Visceral and digestive surgeon

Chronic inflammatory bowel disease or IBD are rare diseases that can affect part or all of the digestive system. The origin is still poorly understood but is linked to a reversal of the immune system against the digestive tract. The 2 most famous pathologies are: - Crohn's disease: it preferentially affects the terminal part of the small intestine, the anus and more rarely the colon and rectum, - hemorrhagic ulcerative colitis: it affects the rectum and the colon more or less diffuse, in the continuity of rectal involvement. Interventions on the small intestine, colon, rectum or anus may be necessary. They are decided in collaboration with the gastroenterology team in charge of the patient. Whenever possible, these procedures are performed by laparoscopy to limit damage to the abdominal wall.