FUT Hair Transplant in Dakhla

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FUT Hair Transplant in Dakhla

Aesthetic Surgeon

For patients suffering from severe baldness who want significant results, FUT is a major asset that should not be overlooked because the number of grafts will add to what FUE can transplant. In FUT, the grafts are surgically removed from a strip taken from the back of the patient's scalp. In order to prevent trauma to the follicular units, the donor strip is removed in one piece. This technique, called "Single Strip Harvesting" is an essential component of FUT follicular unit transplantation because not only does it preserve follicular units, but it also prevents trauma to the hair follicles. This is very different from the old methods which use multi-blade scalpels. In follicular transplantation, the cut is adjusted to each graft. This step is essential and should be performed under a powerful binocular stereoscopic microscope.