Outpatient hemodialysis / Self care in Figuig

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Outpatient hemodialysis / Self care in Figuig


Self-care patients carry out a large part of the hemodialysis session on their own. They prepare their machine and the healthcare professionals teach them how to monitor the important parameters of dialysis themselves, such as their blood pressure and pulse, as well as the technical flow of the session. The fistula puncture is performed by a nurse.

Home hemodialysis is the next logical step in self-care hemodialysis.

Once the patient has learned to independently perform hemodialysis sessions, they can prick their own fistula and a hemodialysis machine is installed at home. The patient can thus perform hemodialysis sessions at home, and benefit from even more flexibility in their schedules. He can, for example, do his session in the evening, or even during the night.