Management of multiple sclerosis and inflammatory diseases of the nervous system in Benslimane

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Management of multiple sclerosis and inflammatory diseases of the nervous system in Benslimane


MS is an inflammatory, autoimmune, chronic and progressive disease of the central nervous system (CNS: brain, cerebellum, brainstem, spinal cord, optic nerves) which can lead to disability. In MS, the immune system, and in particular T and B lymphocytes, abnormally identify myelin, which nourishes and protects the axon of the neuron, as a foreign body. They will therefore take it upon themselves to destroy it, thus disrupting the passage of nervous information. It is this phenomenon of inflammation that leads to the appearance of demyelination plaques (active plaques). A repair takes place in a second step (scars). However, the new myelin is often a little less effective than the old one.