Vesico-ureteral anti-reflux device in Sale

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Vesico-ureteral anti-reflux device in Sale


Vesicoureteric reflux is defined as the countercurrent flow of bladder urine through the ureter (the urinary canal between the kidney and the bladder) and sometimes into the kidney. The severity of reflux is determined by the height of the reflux during urination and the complications it causes. In case of major reflux or failure, it may be suggested to perform surgical treatment. When the kidney is already destroyed and symptomatic, a nephrectomy may be offered. The rigid cystoscope is a thin tube with a lens attached to a light source at its end. It is introduced into the bladder through the meatus of the urethra (like a urinary catheter). The surgeon locates the meatus of the ureter, that is, its entry into the bladder, and injects a synthetic substance there under the mucosa. The product injected under the mucous membrane thus treats reflux.